Recruiting for NARFE at the DAV National Conventions 2023 and 2024

NARFE MD Federation: Call Letter to October 2024 Board Meeting

The photos from the MD Federation Mini-Conference 2024 are here.


PRESS RELEASE: 046-2024 V2

Conference News

Spring 2024 Federation Newsletter

Larry Walton’s Picture at Maryland Federation Board Meeting.

2024 Watch Larry Walton, Region II Vice-President, testifying before Maryland Senate Education Energy, and Environment Committee

Watch Larry Walton testifying before the Senate Education, Energy, and Environment Committee

2024 Paul Schwartz’s testimony before the Ways & Means Committee on HB 845 and Bob Doyle’s testimony before the Judiciary  committee on HB 318

Maryland State Legislative Committee (SLC)

2024 State Legislative Report

Meetings & Events

Maryland State Legislative Committee (SLC)

For Registration to the Maryland Federation Town Hall with U.S. Senatorial Candidates – October 24, 2023 email

Mini-Conference Call

Call to In-Person Federation Board Meeting & Town Hall with U.S. Senatorial Candidates

The Maryland Federation of NARFE

Call to In-Person Federation Board Meeting & Town Hall with U.S. Senatorial Candidates


Information for Election 2023

2023 NARFE Maryland Biennial

2023 Paul Schwartz testimony before Ways & Means: Income Tax Credit Long-Term Care HB 1185, Budget & Taxation: Retirement Tax Elimination Act of SB 461

Chapter 1892 is sponsoring along with the Alzheimer’s Association and the Holiday Park Senior Center the Big Alzheimer’s Event that will provide information about the latest encouraging research medications and treatments, where to get help, how to better communicate with and care for dementia patients, the recent research on exercise and Alzheimer’s patients which stalled all cognitive decline for the year the patients were in the study, and more.

Find the flyer here.

2023 Paul K Schwartz’s testimony before the House Health & Government Operations Committee on HB 279 – the Prescription Drug Affordability, before the House Ways & Means Committee on HB 125 – Income Tax-Subtraction Modification – Retirement Income and HB 160 – Income Tax – Credit for Long-term Care Premiums

Winter 2023 Federation Newsletter

2022 Maryland General Election Candidate Survey Update 2

is posted.

October 3, 2022 MD Federation Candidates Forum

is posted.


is posted.

The Spring 2022 MD Federation Newsletter has been posted in Federation Newsletters.

Maryland State Legislative Committee (SLC) White Paper on Senior Migration/Tax Relief

The Fall MD Federation Newsletter has been posted in Federation Newsletters.

Election 2021

2021 Winter Newsletter

Paul Schwartz’s testimony on HB1111 (decoupling) to the Ways and Means Committee on 25 February 2021.

Maryland February 2021 Federation Board Meeting Video

Region II Training Cancelled for March in York, PA

The tribute to Bishop Dr. Gary Roundtree Sr via Zoom

Here is the Official Call to VIRTUAL February 1, 2021 Board Meeting

Call for Nominations for Maryland Federation Officers can be found here.

MDNARFE-PAC needs your help! Look here for how you can do this.

2021 State Legislative Program Pamphlet is on the Maryland State Legislative Committee page.


Updated on 8/27/2024