Call for Candidates for Maryland Federation Officers for 2025-2027
P.A. Jeffries, Nominating Committee Chair
Election of new Maryland Federation officers to serve two-year terms (2025-2027) will be part of the Maryland Federation’s One Member – One Vote (OMOV) Voting Process of 2023. The Nominating Committee needs the help of all chapter members in fielding candidates for the offices of Federation President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Any member in good standing of the Maryland Federation can run for any officer position. A member may submit a candidate form for other members with that member’s permission.
If you have any candidates for officers of the Maryland Federation, send them to: Nominating Committee Chair P. A. Jeffries at, or 14701 Van Wagner Road, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772-9715 by the deadline of February 7, 2025.
March 17: Voting Begins
April 7: Voting Ends
April 29: Election Results Announced
ALL questions regarding the 2025 Elections should be addressed to any of the following members of the Nominating Committee:
- Chair, P. A. Jeffries [2262] at
- Virginia Bender [2274] at
- Bessie Johnson [1936] at
- Gerald Williams [1747] at
A Candidate Form is attached to this email.
A separate Call for Candidates for the Maryland Federation Board Member-At-Large will be sent to ALL National Only Members Living in Maryland.
Excerpt from Bylaws of the Maryland Federation of NARFE:
ARTICLE IV – Officers, Executive Board and Executive Committee
Section I. Elected Officers of the Federation shall be: President, a First and a Second VicePresident, a Secretary, a Treasurer, the Immediate Past President, and any Past President, elected from NARFE Federation voting members, who accepts appointment to chair any Standing Committee established under Article V, Section 8.
Section 2. Executive Board
The Executive Board (hereinafter the Board) shall consist of the Officers, Chapter Presidents from all Chapters not in arrears with respect to payment of dues to the Federation, Article XII, Section 1, and a Board Member At Large elected by and from the National Only Members. The Chapter President may designate another chapter member to serve on the Board, with full voting privileges, if the Chapter’s President is unable to attend a particular Board meeting.
The Executive Board shall have full power and authority over the affairs of the Federation pursuant to resolutions adopted by the membership.
Section 3. Nomination and Election
A. Any member wishing to run for any office shall notify the Federation Nominating Committee and the Federation secretary of his or her intent, in sufficient time to prepare the election ballots to be sent to all members. If there is only one candidate for a particular office, that candidate shall be declared elected by acclamation, his or her name will not be included on the ballot, and the Election Committee shall be informed of the election.
B. The Officers and the Board Member At Large, excepting Past Presidents, shall be elected by ballot, that may be returned to the Tellers by postal mail and/or electronic means as deemed appropriate by the Federation President, prior to the Federation’s Biennial Membership Meeting, held during odd-numbered years, to serve a term of two years or until their successors are elected and installed, their terms of office to begin on the day of installation. However, the immediate past Treasurer is authorized to continue making payments of the Federation’s obligations for up to forty-five days after the installation of the successor. The past Treasurer’s records shall be transferred to the new Treasurer as soon as practicable; but in no case later than forty-five days after the Biennial Membership Meeting. The immediate past Officers shall serve as consultants to and work with their successors for one month after their installation.
MD FED 2025 Elections Candidate FormUpdated on 1/7/2025