Category Archives: NARFE National Headquarters

NARFE/MD: Recommendations on 2020 National NARFE Bylaws Change Proposals

For your consideration when voting, the NARFE/MD Executive Committee and Bylaws & Resolutions Committee met and developed the following recommendations on the 2020 NARFE Bylaws Change Proposals.

Our recommendations are provided here.

NARFE/MD Recommendations on NARFE 2020 Bylaws Change Proposals

The full 2020 Bylaws Booklet is here.

2020 Bylaws Booklet

Procedures for Candidates in 2020 Voting

Forwarded by Dr. Gary Roundtree to all members of the MD Federation from Barb Sido, NARFE HQ.

Following are key dates regarding the upcoming 2020 voting.

December 13, 2019 (5 pm eastern time): Deadline for candidate statements to be submitted to headquarters

January 1, 2020 (5 pm eastern time): Deadline for proposed bylaws resolutions to be submitted to headquarters

March 2020: Candidate statements published in NARFE magazine

July 2020: Bylaws information published in NARFE magazine

August 2020: Ballot appears in NARFE magazine (There will also be a voting website, which will go live as the August magazine begins being received by members)

August 31, 2020 (11:59 pm eastern time): Voting closes

Further information regarding the process for submitting candidate statements and proposed bylaws resolutions will be communicated shortly.


Barb Sido