Category Archives: Region II Contact Information

Contact Information for NARFE Region II Leadership

Region II Contact Information 2025

Contact Information for NARFE
Region II Leadership 2025

Paul Schwartz
Paul K Schwartz is the Region II Vice President. His contact information is:
(240) 838-2200

Region II consists of the following five federations and their presidents:
  • Delaware, President Vinnie Warr
  • New Jersey, President John Szpyhulsky
  • District of Columbia, Lynn Hill
  • Pennsylvania, William Krouse
  • Maryland, Gary Roundtree, Sr.
Paul Schwartz is proud to have been elected as Region II Vice President and enthusiastically looks forward to representing the five Region II NARFE federations on NARFE’s National Executive Board (NEB).
Paul was an official with the federal government for 37 years working for U.S. Customs at the World Trade Center in New York and, later, Headquarters in Washington as the Director of Trade Enforcement. He served in the Department of Homeland Security when that Department was created in 2003 and completed his federal career at FEMA post Katrina.
After his retirement from federal service, he became a member of a subcommittee for the National Commission on Children and Disasters lead by Mark Shriver, worked as an advocate for gun safety in the aftermath of the Newtown tragedy, has worked in support of Congressman John Sarbanes’ efforts to reform campaign financing, and served as a member of Montgomery County’s Committee on Public Election Funds.
He was a weekly political columnist for the Montgomery County Sentinel covering the White House and Congress and has authored two books on his experience as a political reporter.
He also proudly served for almost a decade as the chairman of the Maryland Federation’s State Legislative Committee striving for tax relief for seniors as well as addressing a myriad of other senior related issues.

Region II Contact Information 2023

Contact Information for NARFE Region II Leadership 2023

Larry Walton

Larry Walton

Larry Walton is the Regional Vice President Region II: DE, DC, MD, NJ & PA. His email and contact number are (443) 831-1791


Larry Walton is the current Regional II Vice President for National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) in the United States. NARFE Region II consists of Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

A list of Federation Presidents in Region II:

  • Delaware Federation President, Vinnie R. Warr
  • Maryland Federation President, Dr. Gary Roundtree Sr., Ph.D.
  • District of Columbia Federation President, Lynn Hill
  • New Jersey Federation President, John Szpyhulsky
  • Pennsylvania Federation President, Rich Zuck


Contact Information for NARFE Region II Leadership 2021

Contact Information for NARFE Region II Leadership 2021

Dr. Gary Roundtree Sr., Ph.D. is the Regional Vice President Region II: MD, DE, DC, NJ, & PA. His email and contact number is (443-929-7045). A list of Federation Presidents in Region II is, Maryland Federation President, Dr. Sudha Haley Ph.D., Delaware Federation President, Vinnie R. Warr, District of Columbia Federation President, Lynn Hill, New Jersey Federation President, John Szpyhulsky and Pennsylvania Federation President, Rich Zuck.

Dr. Gary Roundtree Sr., Ph.D. is the current Regional II Vice President for National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) in the United States. NARFE Region II consists of Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

Dr. Gary Roundtree Sr., Ph.D. says, “That it is critical that NARFE begin to think creatively out-side the box and remember that What Got US Here for the first 100 years of our existence, as an organization solely dedicated to protecting Federal Employees retirement benefits, Won’t Get US There the next level of 100-year century to have even more successful endeavors.” In 1962 President John Fitzgerald Kennedy gave one of the greatest speeches ever heard around the country, from Rice University that inspired a generation of civil servants to seek employment with the federal government and become public servants. Why we choose to go to the moon? We choose to go to the moon, not because it is an easy thing, but because it is a hard thing to do.

One of America’s greatest essayist, lecturer, philosopher, once said, ”Do not go where the path may lead, go instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

A NARFE member since the early 2000, Dr. Gary Roundtree Sr., Ph.D. serve four years as Maryland Federation President, 2019 Host Chairman for the President Meeting in Scottsdale, Az, MD FED -First Vice President Legislative Director, FLC, SLC committees and various chapter positions in the Maryland federation.

A federal employee with three different government agencies for a wealth of over 35 years’ experience and service at the Department of Defense, United States Postal Service, and the Department of Veterans Affairs. Under his leadership and because of his technical skills, devotion to duty as a US Marine.

Contact Information for NARFE Region II Leadership 2019

Kathy Adams is the Regional Vice President Region II: DE, DC, MD. NJ, & PA. Her email is A list of Federation Presidents in Region II will be available soon.

Kathleen Adams is the current Region II Vice President for the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) in the United States.  NARFE Region II consists of Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

Kathy Adams, says that “It is critical that NARFE enter its second century strong, relevant and firmly established as the go-to resource for our members and prospective members, in the federal community, policy makers and the media, and the public. NARFE must aggressively market itself to currently employed, prospective members with a brand that meets their needs and expectations.”

Whatever can be done another day can be done today.”  — Michel de Montaigne, philosopher

A NARFE member since 2000, Mrs. Adams served four years as Delaware Federation President, and prior to that as Treasurer, First Vice President, and President of her Chapter for eight years.

A federal employee for 35 years, she served as the Wing Budget Officer at Dover Air Force Base, where she managed 17 separate budgets for the Department of the Air Force, Headquarters 436th Military Airlift Wing.  Under her leadership and because of her technical skills, devotion to duty, and willingness to assume all this responsibility, the Budget Office received recommendations on its superior financial management from Headquarters, Military Airlift Wing.

Updated: 2019-04-17


Region II Contact Information: 2017


Evelyn Kirby, our Region II RVP has created this list of leaders in select Region II positions. The list was created: to encourage interaction amongst peers in other Region II Federations; to share information; and to discuss solutions to problems you may encounter in carrying out your NARFE duties. We hope to publish the listing on the next revision to the MD Federation Directory.   Chapter Presidents and Chapter Secretaries can use the document to open up discussions with their counterparts in other MD Federation Chapters.

Others may also use the list. For example, members wishing to know more about a listed position can contact the various people serving in that position to obtain additional insight into the functions performed by those in that position. Such inquiries may increase ones knowledge of NARFE or for preparing to pursue election or appointment to a NARFE position.


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