To: MD Federation Committee Chairs, Chapter Presidents and Social Media Coordinators
NOTE: Chapter Presidents, Please pass to your Newsletter Editors.
From: Linda Adams, Chair, Electronics Communication Committee
Subject: Information on Work Distribution on Federation Website
The Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) would like to inform Chapter Presidents, other Federation Committee Chairs, and Newsletter Editors that Diane Bicjan is no longer the Federation Webmaster. She has done an incredible job, but for personal reasons can no longer perform as webmaster.
The duties to be covered temporarily by the ECC are as follows: Pat Dempsey and Linda Adams will be standing in for posting information and Flash Gordon and Jim Lish will work with Network Solutions on server issues. In this regard, please send updates for information to be posted to: Please do not send to Diane. Since Pat Dempsey and I are novices to this website, please bear with us.
Please help us in our recruiting efforts by posting a Help Wanted Ad in your newsletters. You may use the below ad if you have room.
The Maryland Federation is recruiting for a webmaster. The Federation currently uses WordPress for our software. If you have any interest in this position or are willing to learn how to post items, please email This position takes a few hours a month. The website is established, so only updates will be posted. Please consider volunteering for this important position.