Monthly Archives: October 2017

MD Federation Training Update

Deadline has been extended to Monday, Oct. 23.  Register NOW with Registrar Marty Strombotne, 240-632-9881 –
310 High Gables Drive #205, Gaithersburg, MD 20878.

The information on the Federation Training page has been updated as of October 16, 2017 for the October 27 training session.  The agenda has been updated.  Please review.  Federation Training Page.

Chapters’ Information for NARFE PAC Contest, Profiles in Civil Service, and Meet and Greet

2017 Message to Chapter Presidents,__ Leg pdf, NARFE PAC, Visiting Chapters_paf

Jessica Klement’s Presentation

Jessica Klement’s Presentation at Federation Board Meeting

Jessica Klement’s Presentation is posted on the Federation Training Page.  This is an excellent resource to use at your Chapter meetings or include a link to the Federation Training page in Chapter newsletters.  It is the second document on the Federation Training page.     Jessica Klement’s Presentation.

MD Federation Training

The October 27, 2017 MD Federation Training information can be found on the MD Federation Training page.  Click on this link to quickly access the Call Letter containing the Agenda, Registration Information, and Directions to the hotel.

Alzheimer’s Stamp

The Frederick News Post (FNP) has a front page article about the new Alzheimer’s Postal Stamp that was approved after years of  effort by Kathy Siggins (Chapter 409).  Once the stamps are printed in the next month or so, ask at your local post office to purchase the stamps.  The funds will go to DHHS to support Alzheimer’s research.  The article can be found at:  FNP, Kathy Siggins.