Category Archives: Region II Contact Information

Contact Information for NARFE Region II Leadership

Region II Leadership in Select Positions


JULY 15, 2015

Evelyn Kirby, our Region II RVP has created this list of leaders in select Region II positions. The list was created: to encourage interaction amongst peers in other Region II Federations; to share information; and to discuss solutions to problems you may encounter in carrying out your NARFE duties. We hope to publish the listing on the next revision to the MD Federation Directory.   Chapter Presidents and Chapter Secretaries can use the document to open up discussions with their counterparts in other MD Federation Chapters.

Others may also use the list. For example, members wishing to know more about a listed position can contact the various people serving in that position to obtain additional insight into the functions performed by those in that position. Such inquiries may increase ones knowledge of NARFE or for preparing to pursue election or appointment to a NARFE position.