Category Archives: Legislative – Federal Blog

Breakfast with Steny Hoyer – October 1, 2014

Breakfast with our NARFE Champion:

Minority Whip Congressman Steny Hoyer

On Wednesday, October 1, NARFE National President-elect Thissen, Maryland Federation President McGrath, Vice President Roundtree, Federation Legislative Committee Chair Haley, chapter presidents, and members from the 5th District and across Maryland, broke bread with NARFE’s friend and Champion, Congressman Steny Hoyer.  He thanked us for our service to our country… all the civilians and veterans among us.  He addressed many of NARFE’s urgent concerns and long-term issues.

Congressman Hoyer is on our side 100 percent, as his voting record attests.  He decried the $138 billion that federal employees, Active and Retired, have “paid the price” towards the deficit.  “No other group has made such a sacrifice,” he noted. “Sequestration starts with an “S” and stands for “Stupid,” and is irresponsible” he concluded.  He has valiantly fought for the Federal Employee Pay Comparability Act, for our Health Plan, and for our retirement system, among many other NARFE issues.  He stands behind Postal workers.  When questioned about future compromise on the Hill, he promised to engage our opponents, to save our benefits.  On entitlements, he questioned why persons who are millionaires should receive the same entitlement as a retiree living only on a meagre pension and social security.  He is working towards a fiscally sustainable path for all NARFE’s active and retired federal employees.

Our NARFE officials and members were thrilled to have this opportunity for an intimate exchange with our Congressman and Champion.  The Congressman graciously spent far more than our allocated meeting time with him.  Before departing, he challenged NARFE President-elect Thissen, and the Maryland Federation to continue our grass-roots pursuits as “active, tough, advocates.”

Sudha K. Haley, Ph.D.

NARFE Maryland Federation Legislative Committee Chair

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Congressman Chris Van Hollen Meets with NARFE’s Maryland Federation – September 3, 2014

Congressman Chris Van Hollen Meets with NARFE’s Maryland Federation

Congressman Chris Van Hollen, Ranking Minority Member of the House Budget Committee, met in his office with a delegation of NARFE Chapter Presidents and Members on September 3, 2014.  Federation Legislative Committee Chair Sudha Haley, Ph.D. organized this meeting to discuss NARFE members’ issues and concerns with the Congressman.  Among the items he addressed were: current appropriations bills, length of a Continuing Resolution, probability of another government shutdown, an Omnibus Spending Bill, Chained CPI, CPI-E, COLA calculations, raising the minimum wage, jobs creation, funding for active feds, active military, retirees’ and veterans’ health benefits and  for caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients and of wounded warriors, how would conflicts in the Ukraine Syria, Iraq, be funded, and how safe are our earned benefits including Medicare, Social Security and our  pension benefits.  These and other relevant issues and concerns from participants were discussed.  The Congressman remains a champion for active and retired federal and military employees and retirees.   The Maryland Federation Legislative Committee will continue to organize such legislative activist events under the guidance and leadership of the Federation’s President Dan McGrath, the Vice President Bishop Dr. Gary Roundtree, and NARFE Headquarters.
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June 17, 2014 Legislative Update from your Maryland Federation Legislative Committee

Current Legislation of NARFE Interest

From MD Federation Legislative Committee Chair, Sudha K. Haley, Ph.D.

 Semipostal Stamp

Our Maryland Federation and our own FLC’s Kathy Siggins have submitted a resolution to be considered at the NARFE National Convention.  We are requesting NARFE’s letters of endorsement to the Committees, supporting passage of H.R. 1508 and S. 1091, to establish an Alzheimer’s Disease Research Semipostal Stamp.  These bills are referred to the Oversight and Government Reform Committee and House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, and the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

 NARFE’s Support & Opposition

NARFE has pushed reintroduction of legislation (H.R. 4621, last brought up in 2007), of the Federal Employee Combat Zone Tax Parity Act.  The Bill would ensure that federal employees serving in designated combat zones receive the same tax exemptions as military members.

Another Bill NARFE has supported is the FAIR Act (S.2397), companion Bill to H.R. 4306.  The Bill would provide a 3.3 % pay increase for federal employees.

NARFE is opposing a proposal House leaders circulated to fund the Highway Trust Fund (which runs out of money in August) through savings garnered by having the Postal Service go to a 5-day delivery.

NARFE continues to oppose the Senate Postal Reform Bill (S. 1486), stalled in the Senate.  The Bill still has the health care provisions requiring postal employees and retirees to join a new Postal Employee Health Benefit Program within FEHBP.

 V A Bill

The House has approved legislation sponsored by the Committee on Veteran’s Affairs.  The Bill gives Veterans, stuck on long wait lists for medical care, the ability to seek treatment outside of the system established by the Department of Veteran’s Affairs.

 Jobs Bills

  • Congressman Steny Hoyer has indicated there are now 23 new Jobs Bills being added to the “Make It In America” plan.  It will strengthen manufacturing jobs and competitiveness both in the immediate term and over the longer term and bring jobs back to the United States;
  • On June 6, Senator Barbara Mikulski, Chair, Senate Appropriations Committee announced the passage of FY 2015 appropriations for Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) and Related Agencies’ Bills.  These appropriations will support thousands of jobs in Maryland.  The Bill will next be considered on the Senate Floor.

An Alert

A bipartisan Bill, introduced in Congress is “Improving Access to Medicare Coverage Act of 2013” (S. 569 and H.R. 1179).  If passed, it won’t count the time patients spend in hospitals under “observation status,” towards the 3-day stay requirement to provide seniors with the full Medicare benefits they have earned.  At the House Ways and Means Sub-Committee on Health’s Hearing, Seniors described that increasingly hospitals have been placing patients under “observation status” (which is considered “outpatients,” rather than admitting them as “in-patients.”  In the “observation status,” patients are spending multiple days in hospitals only to discover they are responsible for both higher copays and bills for routine medications unrelated to their stay.  In addition, if they are moving from hospitals to skilled nursing facilities, without the 3-day “inpatient stay” they have no coverage for post-acute care.

 OPM Final Regs. on Phased Retirement

OPM will release final regulations this Fall, to be implemented for FY 2015, regarding a phased retirement.  It would allow all federal employees to move into part-time status prior to retirement, without a negative impact on their annuity.

 Capitol Hill Recesses

  • House & Senate: June 30-July 4 & August 4-September 5;
  • House only: September 22-26.

Memorial Day 2014 Legislative Update from your Maryland Federation Legislative Committee

As we acknowledge Memorial Day, we not only salute our departed warriors but particularly recognize with gratitude our Veterans and Active Duty Military men and women in our Maryland NARFE family.  We must always remind ourselves of the sacrifices they and their families have made, and continue to make each day, to keep us out of harm’s way.

Our legislators on Capitol Hill have advanced a few bills of special interest to our Maryland NARFE members.

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee held several meetings on the Postal Reform Act, S. 1486, and voted to approve the Bill on February 6, 2014.  Senator Mikulski (D-MD), in response to NARFE Maryland Federation’s First Vice President and Legislative Chair Bishop Dr. Roundtree stated:  “…I understand your concerns about proposals to change health or retirement benefits for postal workers or change workers’ compensation for any federal employees injured on the job.  Knowing of your concerns will be very helpful to me, should this legislation be debated by the full Senate.”  On May 21, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee approved H.R. 4670, requiring the U.S. Postal Service to convert 1.5 million addresses per year, for the next 10 years, from “to the door” delivery, to neighborhood clusterboxes.  NARFE strongly opposes this proposal noting the covert danger where: “seniors especially would have to walk several blocks to retrieve their daily mail.”

The House approved Fiscal Year 2015 National Defense Authorization Act by 325-98.  The Bill: (automatically) provides cost-of-living 1.8 percent pay raise for troops (more than the Administration’s proposed one percent); freezes pay for general and flag officers in FY 2015 (recommended by the Administration); prohibits DOD from using funds to close Commissary stores (government-subsidized stores on bases for service members and their families); includes an amendment that extends for another five years, government agencies’ authority to re-hire federal retirees without a salary offset (recommended by NARFE); rejects the Administration’s reductions to TRICARE (DOD’s health care program); ditches the Administration’s proposal to execute another round of base closures, and directs DOD Secretary to submit a report by March 1, 2015 on BRAC effectiveness.

The Senate’s recess extends from May 26 to 30, and June 30 to July 4.  The House recesses from June 2 to 6, and June 30 to July 4.  Both Chambers are on summer recess from August 1 through September 5.